What do you care about?

I came upon a postcard as I walked through London last year that read, “Do I look like a frickin ‘people person’?” I laughed and almost took a photo of the card, but I was too timid to take out my camera.

As I thought about it, I internally acknowledged that I value being a “people person.” Other people – their stories, cultures, struggles and needs – mean a lot to me.

I’ve long felt a moral compulsion to be aware of people on the margins of society. This term might sound demeaning, but it’s meant to identify people who suffer injustice and/or indignity silently, for whatever reason.  

These things are often on my mind.

The theme of caring for the vulnerable runs throughout the Bible. Three classes of people are often cited for special care: aliens, orphans and widows.

Caring for the “weak” is the theme of Psalm 41. It appears that active caring is a requirement for a healthy relationship with God.

I think that I'll journal on what I care about during Lent this year. Please feel free to let me know what you care about.


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