
Showing posts from January, 2020

So, it's a New Year

I haven't posted for over a year. That's ok by me. I see a blog, similar to how I view my journal, as an available tool to use when I want.  My friend Daniel shared a scripture passage with me yesterday morning.  Philippians 1:27 “Conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.” In other words, match your conduct to the gospel. The exalted reality of the gospel demands an exalted lifestyle. I'm usually inspired by passages friends share with me. Yet, yesterday, my response was cold. I think it was such a mirror and I wanted to run from the image that reflected back. It was a tough verse to read and think about because I realized that, often, I don't want to live that way. I saw in my heart a desire, at times, to be angry, vindictive, retributive and the like.   These were tough thoughts to have at the new year.  Yet, I believe that there is hope in realizing that there are ugly places in one's life. I am certainly not one to pe...